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Details About Dental Bridges

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You may not be aware that there is a solution for people who have just a few missing teeth. Rather than getting a traditional denture or living with gaps in your smile, you can have a bridge installed. The installation of this dental appliance is safe, and it is a great way to restore your confidence. Here are a few details about dental bridges:

Two Types of Bridges

Fixed Bridges

A fixed bridge is cemented to the surrounding teeth that lie on either side of the missing teeth. The application of a fixed bridge is permanent, and the bridge will act as your new teeth. Since the appliance is secured in the mouth, eating and speaking after a fixed bridge installation feels natural immediately.

Removable Bridges

A removable bridge is another viable option. This type of bridge is typically less expensive and resembles a sort of retainer that can be taken out and put back into the mouth. It clicks onto the existing teeth and has false teeth attached to it, which fill in the empty space in your mouth. Your dentist is the best person to determine which option is right for you.

Getting a Dental Bridge

An initial visit with your dentist must be scheduled. During this appointment, your dental professional will review your options with you. If a bridge is the right course of action, he or she will make an impression of your teeth and jaw. This will allow the dental laboratory to construct a bridge that perfectly fits your mouth. You will also be fitted with a crown so that the bridge can be properly attached. You may have a temporary bridge until your next visit, during which the actual bridge will be installed.

After the Dental Visit

Now that you have your bridge, you may be wondering how to care for the bridge. Much like normal oral hygiene habits, you should brush and floss the area around your new bridge on a regular basis, In addition, continue regular visits with your dentist.  Also, adopt the healthy habit of rinsing your mouth (and your bridge if it is removable) with an antiseptic rinse to ensure that you remove all food particles. It is best to choose an alcohol-free rinse to avoid dry mouth and soft tissue irritation.

Most bridges last for quite a while (typically between 5 and 15 years), so you won't have to worry about repeatedly replacing it. If you are interested in receiving a dental bridge, speak to a local dentist for more information.

For cosmetic dentistry, contact a company such as Alliance Family Dental.
