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Medical Problems That Can Slow Implant Healing

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If you are considering a dental implant surgery, then you will need to discuss your medical history with your oral surgeon. While most people sail right through tooth implant procedures, there are some health conditions that may slow your healing. Here are some medical problems that may slow down the recovery process after your tooth implant procedure and what you can do about them:


Diabetes not only raises the risk for cardiovascular disease, kidney problems, and stroke, but it can also heighten your risk for developing circulation problems. While long-standing diabetes can cause circulatory problems of the ankles and feet, it can also lead to circulation problems inside the mouth. It is for this reason that you may develop problems with healing after your tooth implant procedure.

If you have diabetes, and your implant sites fail to heal, or if you develop pain, redness, inflammation, or drainage from your tooth sockets, see your dentist as soon as possible. Diabetes may also predispose you to oral fungal infections, which can raise your risk for infections or complications after undergoing a dental procedure. You will need treatment, which may include antibiotics; however, a severe infection may warrant the removal of your implants until you have completely healed.

Platelet Disorders

If you have a platelet disorder such as thrombocytopenia, you may be at risk for abnormal bleeding, both during and after your dental implants procedure. If you bruise easily, have frequent nosebleeds, bleeding gums, or if it takes a long time for your bleeding to stop after getting a scrape or a cut, then you may have a low platelet count.

Before making your appointment for your implant surgery, see your physician. He or she will order a complete blood count, which will evaluate your platelet count. If it is low, your dentist may want you to be treated for it before you move forward with your dental procedure. Thrombocytopenia can be idiopathic, meaning that no cause is found, or it may be caused by an infection, certain medications, or anemia. 

If you have diabetes or a platelet disorder, see both your physician and dentist, to help ensure that your medical and dental health remains optimal. It is also important to see both of these healthcare professionals on a regular basis so that when you do decide to undergo your tooth implant procedure, you can be sure that your risk for post-operative complications will be low.  
