When your child requires dental work, you are right to be concerned about the type of sedation used. Children can be squirmy little creatures, and most dental procedures require very precise movements. In most cases, your child has to have some type of sedation, but the question is what and how? To help you know more about dental sedation used on children, read on.
Know What to Expect
Whether you see a pediatric dentist or your family dentist, be sure you understand what type of sedation your child will be receiving and who will be in charge of administering it.…
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Minor chips in teeth are fairly common, and they’re usually caused by doing something with your teeth that you’re not supposed to, such as opening bottles or biting down hard on ice. They’re typically not painful, as only the enamel is chipped. The chip doesn’t go deep enough to expose the pulp or the tooth’s root. However, they can sometimes make your tooth more sensitive.
For minor chips, bonding and partial veneers are both good options to protect your tooth and restore its natural appearance.…
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A dental crown can be placed over a broken or chipped tooth. It helps to protect the chipped, cracked, or broken tooth so further damage is not done to the tooth while you are eating. A dental crown can also help to conceal a chipped or broken tooth that may be visible to others. If you have a chipped or broken tooth, you may have many questions about how it happened or what to do about it.…
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