Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

5 Situations That Require Using Sedation At The Dentist

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Sedation dentistry is a common technique used for those that struggle with going to the dentist. If you ever find yourself in any of the following situations at the dentist, using sedation dentistry might work best for getting you through the procedure. You Have A Fear of Going To The Dentist Up to 15% of Americans have a fear of going to the dentist that prevents them from having their regular 6 month cleaning.…

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Tips For Undergoing A Root Canal When You Have Diabetes

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When you have diabetes, you have a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay due to your increased blood sugar. Plus, your body has a harder time fighting off infections and healing from mouth injuries. To make things worse, a dental infection can cause your blood sugar to be higher and more difficult to control. Therefore, it is important to have dental infections taken care of promptly. However, since you have diabetes, you’ll need to take extra precautions when you go to the dentist for an invasive procedure such as a root canal.…

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2 Reasons To Have A Cosmetic Dentist Whiten Your Teeth

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Teeth whitening is one of the most common and popular cosmetic dental procedures. In most cases, when you want to whiten your teeth you have the option to either use a store-bought product or visit your dentist. Two reasons to have your teeth whitened by a cosmetic dentist are because he or she is more efficient and capable of offering more treatment options. More Efficient A dentist is going to be much more efficient when it comes to whitening your teeth than most store-bought products and kits.…

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