Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

The Hair Of The Tooth That Bit You: The Relationship Between The Health Of Your Hair And Teeth

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It’s considered the height of bad form to stare at someone’s hair (rather than their eyes) while they’re talking, but you might want to pick up this little habit if you want to be able to figure out if their teeth are squeaky clean. You may be wondering what on earth your aunt’s split ends have to do with her early-onset denture use, but it turns out that the two circumstances might actually be linked.…

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Dentist Appointments Are A Nightmare For Anxiety Sufferers – How You Can Work Through It

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It is not a simple matter of ‘sucking it up’ and making it through a dental appointment for an anxiety sufferer. The thought of losing control of what is happening to you can be unbearable and can lead to avoidance of dental appointments. There are a few proven tips you can try to help you get through these extremely difficult appointments. Communicate With the Dentist It is very important to communicate with your dentist right from the first meeting.…

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Different Types Of Cosmetic Dentistry

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Traditional dentistry involves oral hygiene plus the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases. On the other hand cosmetic dentistry is more concerned with improving the appearance of teeth. Issues such as chipped or crooked teeth, missing teeth, and discoloration are common problems resolved by a cosmetic dentist. The following are different types of cosmetic dentistry: Bite Reclamation This is a treatment carried out to alter the vertical dimension of teeth which have been subjected to many years of wear due to acid reflux and teeth grinding.…

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