Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

Worried That Your Child Has Pulled Too Many Teeth? Ask Your Dentist!

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Kids lose their baby teeth one of two ways– either slowly over time, or all at once and very quickly. When the second scenario occurs and leaves spaces unfilled by adult teeth, you are left wondering if Junior pulled out too many teeth, i.e., he pulled some adult teeth with the baby teeth. If you want to allay your fears about the gaps in your child’s teeth, visit your dentist. …

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3 Dental Care Tips For The Winter Season

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Winter weather can be a lot of fun – without winter weather, when would you get to enjoy snowball fights or cozy nights curled up in front of the fireplace? But winter weather brings its own set of challenges, too. It’s cold and flu season, which means that you have to be vigilant to avoid getting sick. The drop in temperature can also contribute to tooth sensitivity, which means that you run a greater risk of toothaches during the winter months.…

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Expectant Mothers Ask - Why Are My Gums Bleeding?

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In addition to the myriad of changes in a woman’s body during pregnancy, some women discover after becoming pregnant that their gums begin to bleed when brushing.  Is this something to worry about?  What causes it?  And how can it be treated?  Why Does Pregnancy Cause Bleeding Gums? Blame it on the hormones.  Estrogen and progesterone normally secreted during pregnancy cause mucus membranes to swell, making areas like your mouth more easily irritated and therefore more likely to bleed.…

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