Your front teeth have a gap in them, and while this may be a beauty thing for some people, for you it’s more of an annoyance. You want to have a more adult smile and you feel like having a gap in your front teeth is a negative thing. However, there is a benefit to having a gap in your teeth: you often have less of an issue with having your teeth getting crowded because you have ample room for your permanent teeth to shift and make themselves at home.…
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If you take good care of the teeth, then you should know that your gum tissues are just as important to your oral health. These tissues should be investigated regularly like the teeth, and any sort of concern should be addressed. You can check on your gums at home to identify any potential signs that you may be developing gum disease. There are a few less obvious signs that you may note, such as the following.…
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If you have a child, then you know that dental cavities are a major health concern and this means you should do everything in your power to prevent them. Cavity prevention goes beyond just simple oral care and may involve the assistance of a dental professional. In particular, the application of sealants may be suggested. Keep reading to learn the answers to a few questions you may have about the sealants.…
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