Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

Natural Ways To Preserve The Color Of Your Teeth After They Have Been Whitened

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After your teeth are professionally whitened by your dentist, you may be fearful about severe stains forming again, based upon the types of food and beverages that you eat and drink. Learn how to preserve the color of your teeth naturally by completing the tips below so that your smile continues to look great and you remain confident about your appearance. Baking Soda And Lemon Juice Paste Baking soda is mildly abrasive and will assist with removing discolorations on teeth before they become severe.…

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3 Things That Can Make You A Good Candidate For A Dental Implant

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If you are considering a dental implant but wondering whether or not you are a good candidate, you may not know some of the criteria your dentist may be looking at in order to determine the viability of the procedure for you. Certain factors can lessen your chance of having a successful implant. Here are a few things that can help make you a great candidate to receive a dental implant:…

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3 Cosmetic Dental Applications That Can Correct A Chipped Or Cracked Tooth

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If you are thinking of correcting a chip or crack in one of your teeth, there are cosmetic dental applications that may be able to help. A chipped or broken tooth can easily be corrected as long as the damage is not affecting the overall health of the tooth. Here are a few cosmetic dental applications that can be used to correct a chipped or cracked tooth:. Dental Veneers Dental veneers can be used to correct the look of a chipped or cracked tooth.…

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