Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

Children Dentistry: 3 Tips To Preparing Children For Their First Cleaning

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Your children’s first teeth cleaning experience can either make or break their feelings towards dentists. Children who had bad experiences often try to avoid going to the dentist afterwards, and may even develop some form of dental anxiety. Helping to ease your children’s first experience is important. Here are 3 tips on how you can attempt to do so. Explain the Importance of Getting Teeth Professionally Cleaned Children are smarter than you might think.…

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Two Treatment Options For White Spots On Teeth

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White spots on the teeth are a common dental complaint. This discoloration is caused by a number of things, including demineralization of the enamel and ingestion of excessive amounts of fluoride. However, most people are more interested in how to deal with the problem so they can get their smiles back. Here are two treatment options for eliminating white spots on your teeth. Dental Microabrasion One way of dealing with white spots on your smile is to buff them away using dental microabrasion.…

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3 Ways To Minimize Tooth Decay During A Slumber Party

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If your child is old enough for school, he or she may have already asked to have a sleepover. A slumber party is often lots of fun for kids. They stay up late, eat lots of junk food and giggle and play until the wee hours of the morning. If your child has already experienced multiple cavities, you may be concerned that the slumber party will result in even more tooth decay.…

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