Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

Three Reasons Behind The Most Common Periodontal Advice

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When you visit your periodontist, you will likely hear the same advice you’ve heard in previous visits. You will likely hear that you need to avoid smoking, drinking, certain foods, or that you need to floss and brush more. The key point that some professionals may overlook is telling you why you need to do these things, why these things may be bad for you, and how they are damaging your periodontal health.…

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Too Little, Too Much, Or Just Right: The Beauty Of Proportional Gums

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When you think of cosmetic dentistry, you probably think of the many ways that dentists can alter the appearance of your teeth. From bleaching and straightening to bonding and veneers, there are lots of ways that the color, texture, and shape of teeth can be altered. But if your teeth are the focal point when people see you smile, your gums are the backdrop. Healthy, attractive gums may not get a lot of remarks from people, but they improve the overall look of your mouth.…

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3 Things Your Dentist Wishes You Knew

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If you dread going to the dentist and you haven’t stressed that your children go, you’re making a huge mistake that can affect everyone’s health and your budget. Here are a few different things a lot of dentists wish people would realize, which would help prevent long term dental problems. Seeing a Dentist Saves You Money A lot of people think that they save money by avoiding the dentist, when the reality is that they will most likely pay more down the road for the work they need.…

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