Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

Why The Benefits Of Implants Go Beyond Dental Issues

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When you get a dental implant, you are doing much more than tooth replacement. Sure, your main reason for getting an implant may be to get rid of that gaping hole between your teeth, but the benefits will spread beyond that. Here are three examples of such related benefits: Facial Beauty and Appearance You need your teeth not only for your bright smiles but also for your beautiful face. Your teeth give the face its fullness, which helps to outline the facial contours, shapes and lines.…

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Silver Vs White - Things To Know About These Types Of Fillings

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When you go to the dentist, you have two choices for cavity fillings – silver or white. Confused about this choice? Read on to discover some of the lesser-known facts about these two types of supplies for dental work. Silver is cheaper – for whatever reason, silver amalgam tends to be cheaper as a resource than white composite. As a result, these two different types of fillings are billed differently.…

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Three Reasons Behind The Most Common Periodontal Advice

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When you visit your periodontist, you will likely hear the same advice you’ve heard in previous visits. You will likely hear that you need to avoid smoking, drinking, certain foods, or that you need to floss and brush more. The key point that some professionals may overlook is telling you why you need to do these things, why these things may be bad for you, and how they are damaging your periodontal health.…

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