Living Through Premature Tooth Loss

New Dental Options That Can Get Your Spouse Back On Track And Into The Dentist

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If your spouse is scared of the dentist from a procedure that may have occurred years ago, they might not understand all of the advancements the dental world has made in the past few years. If you can get them to take into consideration of the new changes, they might be more apt to make an appointment and give the dentist a second chance. Here are four dental options you can share with your spouse that might give them the push they need to get back in the dentist’s chair.…

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Tips For Avoiding Arthritis Pain During A Dental Visit

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It’s vitally important to keep up with your regular dental appointments if you suffer from arthritis. Not only can medications and joint issues affect your dental health, it’s also better to practice preventative care so you don’t have to schedule more invasive treatments later. This problem is that a long stay in the dentist’s chair can be highly uncomfortable if you suffer from arthritis pain. The following tips can help you alleviate this discomfort.…

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Is Brushing Your Teeth With Baking Soda Really A Safe Way To Whiten?

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Despite its longstanding reputation as a staid household staple, baking soda is experiencing something of a renaissance, and it’s even finding its way into American mouths. The craze of brushing your teeth with baking soda has become so widespread that some toothpaste brands are now including baking soda directly in their products. But is baking soda really a safe and effective way to whiten your teeth? A look at the science behind baking soda and your teeth reveals plenty of benefits, but also the need for caution and moderation.…

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